Enrolling a student into Kenmore Junior High is not a very difficult process, but there are
certain things which can make enrollment go much more smoothly
and quickly:
- Call the Attendance Office [(425) 402-5304] to
arrange a date and time to complete registration paperwork .
- All students must have a current and complete
Record of Immunizations
and Vaccinations; take these with
you, if at all possible, or have them faxed to us at this number:
(425) 402-5314.
- All students must submit a Record of Withdrawal or graduation from their previous school, which
indicates the coursework and their performance levels. Lacking
a formal withdrawal form, you must present a transcript or report
cards that indicate which classes the student has been taking
and the current skill level in the various curriculum areas.
- Parents must be produce some tangible
evidence that the enrollee does, in fact, reside within the boundary
served by Kenmore Junior High School. A phone bill, rental agreement,
etc. suffices for this.
- All students must complete a brief Course Registration page, in which they indicate any areas of particular
interest, academic strengths or weaknesses, prior involvement
in specialized education programs, which of the available elective
courses they would like to take.